Things to Do: The Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby
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At 12:01 this morning when most of us were sleeping, the much anticipated Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby kicked off over the island. Now in its 71st year, the Derby brings island sports fishermen, women and children together to compete in the categories of bluefish, bonito, albacore and bass caught from both shore and boat. An array of prizes will be awarded over the next month, including the grand prizes of an Eastern 22 foot bass boat, engine and trailer and a Chevy truck.
According to the website the Derby was started by a group if island fisherman a year after World War II, to promote island camaraderie and at a time when the island was looking to expand its tourist industry. The top prize then was $1000 cash and a one week stay and the Harborside Inn, and the second prize a building lot in Gay Head. Perhaps the recipient of the building lot had the better deal!
The Derby continues until the final weigh in on Saturday October 15th. Good luck all you fisherpeople!