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It’s finally starting to feel like spring and after a solid week of rain, we have some sunshine at last.... YAY! The trees are unravelling their new foliage to bring green life to the Island; it's amazing to watch this transformation unfold.  

When some people think of Martha’s Vineyard and specifically Chilmark, they think of the south shore  -  famous Lucy Vincent beach and surfing the waves at Squinocket.  The North shore of the island is perhaps a lessor known destination to visitors, but this hidden gem of a coastline has trails and beautiful beaches with views of The Elizabeth Islands and, of course exquisite sunsets.  Spring Point Association is a 335 acre parcel of Chilmark between West Tisbury and Menemsha that one accesses off North Road through a wide, yet discreet, gateway with stone walls and old roads that lead to the 40 or so home sites.