March 24th 2020
USA cases: 44,183
MA cases: 1,159
MV cases: 2
We knew it was coming and some say it isn't soon enough, but an official "stay at home" order has been put on Massachusetts effective today (march 24th at noon). This is calling for all non essential businesses to shut. It’s a little ambiguous as to what is considered “non-essential” and differs from state to state. It’s probably easier to categorise the “essential” businesses that are allowed to stay open - food, healthcare, utilities and anything relating to critical infrastructure of the community. Included in the list are liquor stores and interestingly medical marijiana dispensaries - which have gone from “illegal” to “essential” very quickly!.
Click here to go to Massachusetts Dept of Health website for all the facts and fugures.
The Tea Lane offices have been closed to visitors for a week, but we officially closed the doors completely today. Our colleagues here are all set up fully remotely at home so we are still here for you all via email, phone, facetime.
However bare with us because some of us are also juggling kids, partners and pets so we may have to pull ourselves together for a facetime call!
We do miss everyone but are committed to staying healthy for the sake of our healthcare system and hospital workers. One person, (who’s husband is a doctor) wrote on instagram “please stay home so that I can actually see my husband in the next 6 months”
As realy good resource if you're feeling unwell is the MV Hospital website here.
Let’s all do our bit and take warning from other countries, cities and communities, We’re in this together.