The Iconic Lucy Vincent beach cliff pillar fell into the ocean last week during the night of May 1st 2020.
photo credit Alison Oestreicher
The wind and rain during the final days of April were just too much for her as she succumbed to the weather a week ago on friday night.
The cliff on the Vineyards south shore of Chilmark, took a major impact from super storm “Sandy” in 2012 since then its been slowly eroding and carved by the elements into the shape of (as many describe it) the profile of a lioness.
photo credit Alison Oestreicher
News spread fast on the morning of Saturday 2nd May, after photographer and chilmark resident Helen Newman, who takes daily walks at the beach, discovered the collapse and posted on social media. Despite the State stay at home recommendations, the parking lot was full all day as a steady stream of onlookers came to witness it for themselves. People were mostly wearing masks and keeping a good distance, but the beautiful spring day contributed to the onslaught, which looked more like July than early May.
photo credit Alison Oestreicher
The iconic sculpture has been immortalized by many artists and photographers over the years, and this week many paid homage to this Vineyard landmark on social media - see the following images captured from instagram posts this week from artists, Walker Roman, Larry Glick, Ken Vincent, Alexis Rusillo, John Montes and Alison Oestreichter.
As many people make connections to mother nature taking back her planet in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, we are mindful that this is just another phase of life and change that we must get used to.
The collapsed remains of the familair cliff stack at Lucy Vincent Beach Saturday May 2nd 2020
And as sad as it is, the tumbling sand structure has taken on a new form of beauty now: a pile of sand boulders that have created a different type of playground for beach goers, treasure hunters and artists to enjoy this summer.