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They're a secret for a reason.... but we might tell....

This years "TEA LANE 2017 YEAR-END HIGHLIGHTS" are really impressive!

The first week of December and the Woods Hole ferry terminal was packed like it was the first week of August!

Fall 2017 saw a wide selection of real estate transactions for Tea Lane, covering all 6 Martha's Vineyard towns and including the following: 

Hot Property! What’s sold so far this summer!

At the beginning of the month Tea Lane helped a buyer secure the purchase of a pretty piece of West Tisbury land on Flint Hill Road. The 3.32 acre parcel sold on June 1st for $725,000.

Last friday, 12th May, Tea Lane Associates closed on 13 Cemetery Road, located in Spring Point on Martha's Vineyards North Shore.

Edgartown celebrates Mothers Day and welcomes Spring this weekend with the annual Pink and Green Weekend hosted by the Edgartown Board of Trade.

The year-round town of Vineyard Haven became home to two more Island residents last week, thanks to Tea Lane Associates!

Whilst most of the island was on the school winter break Tea Lane was busy closing on properties up island.